It is with deep pride that we welcome onboard Empyreal Galaxy as our associate partner for the upcoming DELTAs-2022 conference scheduled for June 22-26, 2022. Association with them has invigorated our attempts at making this conference a success.
As rightly stated in their tagline, Empyreal Galaxy works on innovation with a purpose. They work on conceptualising, designing, and manufacturing Lighter-Than-Air aircraft with a mission to making those areas accessible which are frequently unreachable, especially during natural calamities or disasters. Common technologies to reach such areas include drones and helicopters, which are either not fit for rescue work, or too costly. Empyreal Galaxy works on LTA systems for the aforementioned purpose but with the key intent to also keep it cost-effective, efficient, and environment friendly.
This holy trinity of meticulously planned development will surely rush the world as we know it into an era of sustainable future. We hope that our association is able to bear resourceful fruits towards the goal of purposeful innovation.